Leadership CoaCHING
God wants us to both dream AND plan. The dream gives us a picture of what our ministry could be like when we trust God’s purpose. The plan defines the steps it will take to achieve the dream.
Are you doing 1 year of programming over and over or do you have a clear, compelling vision for the next 3-5 years? Your ministry is not a cookie-cutter replica of the large church in California or Atlanta with ten times the resources and population. You have a specific group of students that you are called to serve and you have to meet them where they are with the gifts, leaders, and resources that have been given to you. It will require you to know whom God has called and gifted you to be. But don't worry, God is inviting you and your leaders to dream and design a NEW ministry for today's challenges and opportunities.
As you look at the horizon of your next chapter in ministry what can you see?
If it seems fuzzy, distant, or overwhelming then it’s a perfect time to begin a coaching relationship.
Option 1: Leadership Coaching. Get 10 months of 1-on-1 coaching that is tailored to meet your needs and expand your leadership capacity.
Option 2: Join a MasterMind group. You'll connect with other ministers who are asking similar questions on a monthly zoom call and get access to online training and a private community to share your ideas.
Option 3: Strategy Summits + Coaching. Get the most in-depth transformation for your ministry with 3 Strategy Summits with your leadership team, 6 months of personalized coaching, and a 1-year review session to measure your growth.
I'm here for YOU every step of the way to guide you through the process to transform your ministry to reach the most students & train your leaders to make the most impact!
You are NOT alone!
Which option is best for YOU?
I'm here to cheer you on and make sure you have the right tools at the right time when things feel cluttered, unclear, or confusing.
Let's get started today!
Craig Morrison
I believe we are meant to live the ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus talked about, but too often we settle for comfort, security, and the easy road. Even in ministry, we end up reacting instead of PRO-ACTING.
Are you leading YOURSELF to a deeper level, so your ministry can compliment your leadership capacity. Let's get started today!
Grace & Peace,
Dane Martin
Kyle or Tyler?